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Need help paying your bill?

Georgia Energy Assistance Programs

Your local Community Action Agency (CAA) is the best resource to connect you to available energy assistance programs and answer questions on resources that offer customers help with their energy and natural gas bills. Assistance programs, such as H.E.A.T. and LIHEAP, must be applied for through the CAA that serves your county of residence.

H.E.A.T. (Heating Energy Assistance Team)

H.E.A.T. works with the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) to distribute natural gas assistance funds through CAAs. H.E.A.T. has a few assistance programs that each provide up to $350 of funding towards past due heating bills for customers.

LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)

LIHEAP is a federally funded energy assistance program that helps low- and fixed-income families meet their energy needs during the heating season by providing up to $400 of non-crisis funding towards heating bills each winter.

How to apply for H.E.A.T. and LIHEAP funding:
  1. View a full list of Georgia Community Action Agencies by county.
  2. Select your county of residence.
  3. Contact your local CAA ā€“ theyā€™ll direct you to available resources.

Additional Assistance

Gas South is proud to partner with many non-profits. Below are a few non-profit partners who can also provide assistance with your natural gas bill:

United Way of Greater Atlanta 2-1-1

The United Way of Greater Atlanta 2-1-1 Contact Center is an information and referral resource that connects people to the essential health and human services they need.

Call: 2-1-1               Visit: 211online.unitedwayatlanta.org

Salvation Armyā€™s Project SHARE 

SHARE provides emergency bill-payment assistance to individuals and families facing a temporary crisis that threatens their home. SHARE attempts to target the most urgent need, whether it is a utility bill, a part of a rent payment or an emergency prescription.

Call: 770-441-6200       Visit: projectshareinfo.com/get-help

St. Vincent de Paul of Georgia

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international organization of laymen and women inspired by the Gospel to provide direct service to people in need.

Call: 678-892-6163      Visit: svdpgeorgia.org

Financial Counseling

ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions (CCCS)

ClearPoint is a national nonprofit credit counseling agency. They help consumers identify the causes of their individual financial concerns and make a plan to address them. Services are available nationally by phone and Internet and via face-to-face counseling at one of our branch locations across the country.

Call: 800-750-2227     Visit: clearpoint.org

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