Gas South's CNG Solution

Good for the environment and great for your wallet.

Compressed Natural Gas

The future points to less reliance on petroleum and more on compressed natural gas (CNG) as a cost-effective, clean transportation fuel — and Gas South is leading the way in the Southeast. We strongly support development of CNG refueling stations and market opportunities throughout Florida and our home state, Georgia, where we already supply more CNG vehicles than our competitors.

Benefits of Switching to CNG:

  • Cut Costs - CNG costs about 50% less than gasoline or diesel
  • Reduce Emissions - CNG emits up to 90% fewer emissions than gasoline
  • Reduce Greenhouse Gases - CNG emits 20-29% less CO2 than diesel and gasoline
  • Provide Access to an Abundant Domestic Energy Supply - 98% of CNG is produced in North America

As part of our purpose to Be A Fuel For Good, we're proud to invest in cleaner energy solutions and offer green products to help businesses meet their sustainability goals.

Gas South can help you decide if CNG is right for you by offering:

  • Specialized rates for fuel savings
  • Financial modeling analysis of projected CNG fuel spend
  • Connections to preferred CNG developers
  • Connections between biogas suppliers and our customers who utilize CNG vehicles

Call 866-426-2491 or email to learn more about CNG service!

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CNG Frequently Asked Questions

What is CNGFuel?

CNG is considered an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 and is produced by compressing natural gas to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure. CNG is stored onboard a vehicle in a compressed gaseous state at a pressure of normally 3,600 pounds per square inch. In addition, a CNG-powered vehicle gets about the same fuel economy as a conventional gasoline vehicle while reducing greenhouse emissions and pollution.

How Do Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Stations Work?

At CNG stations, the gas is typically taken from the local gas utility’s line at low pressure. There are two basic types of fueling equipment: fast-fill and time-fill.

  • Fast-fill systems combine a compressor and a high-pressure storage system to fill the vehicle's fuel tank.
  • Time-fill systems do not have a storage system and typically compress the gas directly into the vehicle storage cylinders to refuel vehicles while they are parked overnight.

Where Can I Find a CNG Fueling Station?

View a map of Georgia's existing and proposed CNG fueling stations open to the public provided by Atlanta Gas Light or use the U.S. Government Department of Energy's Alternative Fueling Station Locator to find the public station nearest you.

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